CULSM is ranked 51st* by QS Business Master’s Rankings 2024
CULSM is ranked 51st* by QS Business Master’s Rankings 2024

CULSM is ranked 51st* by QS Business Master’s Rankings 2024

🏆 The latest results of the QS Business Master’s Rankings 2024: Supply Chain Management have been announced on October 25, 2023. Logistics and Supply Chain Management Program, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University is ranked 51st* and the only one in Thailand.

⭐️The 2024 Business Masters Suite of Rankings includes 765 Business Masters programs. This year’s QS Masters in Supply Chain Management performance lenses and weightings on 5 indicators, including Employability, Thought Leadership, Alumni Outcomes, Class & Faculty Diversity, and Value for Money.

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* This rank has been revised by the overall score again.